Marcelo Scaldaferro

Hi, my name is

Marcelo Scaldaferro.

I'm Software Builder

I'm a professional in constant training, who early adopts new web technologies, backend architectures, process automation and agile methodologies, thus seeking to achieve quality software, high-performance teams and constant motivation.

I've a degree on Information Systems, graduated from ORT University.
I'm a passionate about Backend Engineering.

Birth Date: 15/10/1976

Identity Number: 4.163.178 -5

Phone: +598 99 794 774




About me

I'm a professional in constant training, a faithful student and apprentice of Technology. I am an expert in some technical areas, and a passionate learner in others. Someone in constant evolution, who learns day by day how to go from being an expert to an executive.

I have a degree on Information Systems, I have been working as a GeneXus Senior Analyst for more than 20 years. Experience in most generators, databases and versions, main experience in Java Web generator – GX 17 in the development of APIs for web microservices and BATCH processes (process automation).

I've an excellent performance in analysis and design, methodical in the entire software engineering process, especially in agile methodologies (SCRUM and KANBAN) and in recent times incorporating DEVOPS practices, I am particularly interested in the use of agile tools that help improve productivity and improve software quality.

The last years I been working on Java Spring Boot, on complex microservices architecture, with SQL and noSQL storages on AWS and Google Cloud, with Google PubSub queues for asynchronious messages between APIs. I was working with the best practices for RESTfull services: resillience, asynchronicity, idempotence, eventually consistency, caching, circuit breakers, DLQs, etc.

My current stack:
Java 17 - Sprint Boot - Python 3.7 - IntelliJ - Visual Studio Code - mySQL - BigQuery - dynamoDB - Google PubSub - JUnit/Mockito - Github - Jenkins - Jira - Slack - Confluence - Postman - Kibana - NewRelic - Datadog - Kubernetes

Team working. Collaboration. Transparency. Order. Compromising. Responsability.

Main interests:

1 – Academy

Level Institution
School Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen
School - Level Intermediate Colegio y Liceo Adoratrices
High School Opción Ingeniería. Liceo Nº 2 Héctor Miranda
University Computer Engeneering – UDELAR
  2nd year coursed. 1996 – 1997
  Systems Analyst – ORT University
  Intermediate Title – 1998 – 2001
  Degree on Information Systems – ORT University
  Average 93% - 2006 – 2010
  English Level Intermediate (B1) - Alianza Uruguay EEUU
  2 years - 2011-2012
  Ethical Hacking - ORT University
  1 semester - 2019

1.1 GeneXus Knowledge

Course Institution Duration Year
GeneXus Analyst 6.1 Artech 6 weeks 2000
VII GeneXus Alliance Technical Meeting Artech 2 days 2002
VIII GeneXus Alliance Technical Meeting Artech 2 days 2003
GeneXus 9.0 Upgrading Artech – LATU 5 days 2007
K2B Tools Workshop GeneXus Consulting 2 days 2009
GeneXus X Ev.1 Upgrading Artech – LATU 5 days 2010
GXPlorer – Business Intelligence Artech – LATU 5 days 2011
GXFlow – Business Process Modeler Artech – LATU 5 days 2011
GeneXus X Ev.2 Artech – LATU 5 days 2012
GXTest and GXUnit Workshop Artech – Abstracta 2 days 2013
GXEv3 SmartDevices Workshop Artech - LATU 3 days 2014
API WEB Architecture Workshop GeneXus - G.Canedo 8 days 2016
Senior GeneXus Analyst Ev 3 GeneXus – Calif.: 97% Exam 2016
GXServer 15 WorkShop GeneXus – A.Piccardo 2 days 2017

1.2 Technical Workshops

Workshop Institution Duration Year
PC Operator Megasoft 3 months 1998
Visual Programmer (VB y Visual C++) Megasoft 6 months 1999
Windows NT 4.0 Administrator Infocorp 2 months 1999
Jasper Datalogic Ingenieros 5 days 2007
Testing for Developers CES 8 days 2015
Stack ELK Atos 1 day 2017
Agile Developer Peregrinus 2 days 2018
DEVOPS - CI with JENKINS Pablo Fredrikson 12 chapters 2018
DEVOPS - Docker and Kubernetes Pablo Fredrikson 19 chapters 2018
Jenkins - Basic 15 chapters 2018
POSTMAN 15 chapters 2018
Azure DevOps Training Epidata Argentina 1 day 2019
Azure Fundamentals Sodexo BRS 2 days 2020
Azure Administrator Sodexo BRS 30 hours 2020
API REST 18 chapters 2020
Authentication with OAuth 2.0 and OIDC 38 chapters 2020
ASP .NET Core 35 chapters 2020
GIT and GITHUB 42 chapters 2021
Software Architecture 43 chapters 2021
Travis CI 15 chapters 2021
Docker Fundamentals 25 chapters 2021
Applications Architecture with Docker 48 chapters 2021
Node.JS - Basic Level 35 chapters 2021
React.JS 37 chapters 2021
Javascript Frameworks and Libraries 28 chapters 2021
Asyncronism with JavaScript 12 chapters 2021
JavaScript Engine (V8) 12 chapters 2021
JavaScript Professional 42 chapters 2021
Practical Layout Course with CSS 26 chapters 2021
Backend with Node.JS 47 chapters 2021
Malware Analysis 25 chapters 2021
Express.JS 42 chapters 2021
WebPack 28 chapters 2021
Angular 56 chapters 2021
Java EE 54 chapters 2021
Java Spring Boot Fundamentals 31 chapters 2021
Java Spring 41 chapters 2021
Bitcoin and Blockchain 15 chapters 2021
Linux Server Administration 46 chapters 2021
Progressive Web Apps with Angular 21 chapters 2021
Blockchain Applications 14 chapters 2021
History of Ethereum and Smart Contracts 10 chapters 2021
High Concurrency Architecture Fundamentals 12 chapters 2021
Docker 32 chapters 2021
Kubernetes 33 chapters 2021
Testing Automation with Pupeteer 15 chapters 2022
Golang - Basic Level 33 chapters 2022
Golang - Intermediate Level 30 chapters 2022
Golang - Advanced Level 19 chapters 2022
Go Advanced: REST and WebSockets 26 chapters 2022
PHP with Composer 16 chapters 2022

1.3 Management Workshops

Workshop Institution Duration Year
Basic Tools for Quality Management and ISO 9001 certification Monte Cúdine 3 days 2000
Workshop on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Franklin Covey 5 days 2008
SCRUM Master 1 month 2011
Leadership Workshop COPAC 3 days 2013
Negociation Workshop COPAC 2 days 2013
Workplace Harassment Workshop Redpagos 1 day 2017
Workshop on Prevention of Asset Laundering and Financing of Terrorism RedPagos 2 days 2017
SCRUM Methodology Peregrinus 2 days 2017
Occupational Accident Prevention Workshop Redpagos 1 day 2017
SCRUM Mentoring Peregrinus 8 months 2018
Leaders in Training 27 chapters 2020
Remote Work Workshop 24 chapters 2020
Workshop for Agile Work Teams Sodexo BRS 3 days 2020
Change Management WorkShop Sodexo BRS 3 jornadas 2020
Creative Leadership 18 chapters 2020
Agile Methodologies (SCRUM, KANBAN, XP) 30 chapters 2021
Development of Soft Skills for Work Teams 27 chapters 2021
Leadership Course for Work Teams 28 chapters 2021
Motivation for Work Teams 16 chapters 2021

Other workshops, trainings, talks, events, webinars, meetups, about GX, Agile, OWASP, BlockChain, Azure Devops.

Learning on Youtube about GX, Security, Linux, GitHub, DataScience, AI, NoSQL Databases, DevOps, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, in channels such as Platzi, EventoGX, Chema Alonso, Pablo Fredrickson.

2 - Working Experience

Period Company Role Description
1995 – 1996 Metalúrgica Espacio 2003 Administrative Telephone attention, administrative tasks, liquidation of salaries
1996 – 1998 Instituto Megasoft Teacher PC Operator, Visual Basic and Visual C++
1999 – 2001 Monte Cúdine Datacenter Auxiliar Administrative tasks, computer support, and development with GeneXus 6.1
2001 – 2004 BCN Informática Developer Development, Support and Consulting working with GX in various products (G-Mant, Paulya, General Custom System Motor Uruguay)
2004 – 2009 Datalogic Ingenieros Developer and Technical Leader Dept. Development of IWRM Salary System with Tool GeneXus 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 and X
2009 – 2010 Dynatech Developer Development of Financial Product for Exchange Houses. GX X Ev1
2010 – 2014 COPAC - Cooperativa Policial de Ahorro y Crédito Systems Analyst Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance of the main software of Financial Management of the Cooperative. GX9 and GXEv2
2015 – 2019 Redpagos Casa Central Senior Analyst Project Area – WEB Projects – MicroServices – Processes Batch and BackOffice Web – DevOps - GX Ev2 - GX 16
2019 - 2021 Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Development Coordinator Development Manager - Scrum Master - Core Development System - Backend - Project Management
2021 - Present ALADI - Latin American Integration Association Backend Developer Responsible for the Development and Analysis of several projects IT and process automation. Working with GX17, Java EE, PHP and GO
2022 - Present Instituto CPE Teacher SQL Analytics I



DevOps Tools

No hay elementos a mostrar

Programming Languages

No hay elementos a mostrar

WEB Technologies

No hay elementos a mostrar

JavaScript Tools

No hay elementos a mostrar

Operating Systems & DB Engine

No hay elementos a mostrar

GeneXus Experience

No hay elementos a mostrar


3 - Job and Personal References

3.1 Job References

Ing. Fernanda Eiriz

Gerente de IT - Sodexo Benefits & Rewards
099 463 415

Lic. Juan Larrayoz

Jefe de IT - Redpagos
091 371 371

PSC Alain Montero

Gerente de RRHH – COPAC (Cooperativa Policial de Ahorro y Crédito)
Actualmente Gerente de Seguridad en Hotel Fasano
099 402 177

Ing. Gustavo Ferreiro

Socio Director - Datalogic Software
2419 36 21

A/S Carlos Lobato

Jefe de Sistemas - Monte Cúdine
096 716 822

A/P Tomás Casella

Jefe de Desarrollo – BCN Informática
2707 73 34

3.2 Personal References

A/S Gustavo Barca

Compañero de trabajos Freelance para Macro Mercado y Univ.Católica
099 100 507

Lic. José Osta

Compañero de trabajo en Datalogic Software, actualmente en La Española
099 074 767

Ing. Mauricio Rinaldi

Gerente de Tecnología en ANII
099 268 071

A/S Cristian Binaghi

Country Manager at Epidata Uruguay
092 498 777

Carlos Rodríguez

Técnico en Electroelectrónica en Casinos del Estado
099 585 729


Degree on Information Systems

Ethical Hacking

Systems Analyst

English - Level Intermediate

Testing for Developers

Administering Windows NT

Developers Day 1998

Developers Day 2006

GeneXus Senior Analyst

GeneXus Analyst

GX 9 Upgrading

GX Evo I Upgrading

GXFlow Course

GXPlorer Course

GX Alliance 2002

GX Alliance 2003


Creative Leadership

Soft Skills

Remote Working

Agile Methodologies

Agile Developer

Jenkins - Basic Level

Travis CI

Docker Fundamentals

Software Architecture with Docker

Software Architecture Professional Course

Asyncronism with Javascript



Javascript Professional Course

Javascript Engine V8

Javascript Libraries and Frameworks

React JS

Node JS

OAuth 2.0


CSS Practical Course

Backend with Node.JS

Leadership for working teams

Malware Analysis


Motivation for working teams



Java Enterprise Edition

Java Spring Boot Fundamentals

Java Spring

Bitcoin and Blockchain

Linux Server Administration

Progressive Web Apps with Angular

Blockchain Application Development - Prework Course

History of Ethereum and Smart Contracts

High Concurrency Architecture



Pupeteer Testing Automation

Golang Development

Golang Development - Intermediate Level

Golang Development - Advanced Level

Golang: REST and WebSockets

PHP with Composer
